18 December 2009

China willing to detail emission effort

According to Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei China is ready for "dialogue and cooperation that is not intrusive, that does not infringe on China's sovereignty".

Associated Press in COP15 | 17/12/2009 17:20

China says it is willing to provide details about its actions to control carbon emissions, moving to meet a key US demand for verification of China's promises to fight global warming.

Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei said China is ready for "dialogue and cooperation that is not intrusive, that does not infringe on China's sovereignty."

His remarks Thursday came after US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the US would join others in raising 100 billion US dollars a year to help developing countries fight climate change.

The financing of climate aid for poor nations and the verification of China's voluntary actions to reduce the growth of its emissions address two key issues blocking an agreement at the Copenhagen summit.

COPYRIGHT 2008-2009

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