01 June 2009

REDD side events at Bonn

By Chris Lang, REDD-Monitor, 31st May 2009

Bonn Alter Friedhof, by spaztacular on flickr.com

I’m in Bonn for the UN climate negotiations, or, to give the official title, the thirtieth sessions of the UNFCCC Convention subsidiary bodies - SBSTA and SBI, sixth session of the AWG-LCA and eighth session of the AWG-KP. REDD will feature in several parts of the negotiations. The thought of two weeks of government delegates avoiding the issues, arguing about trivialities and failing to come up with meaningful ways of addressing climate change doesn’t exactly fill me with joy. But I’m looking forward to reporting on what happens in Bonn relating to REDD and I’m hoping for an improvement over thePoznan meeting last year.

As well as the official discussions on REDD, there are many side-events to choose from featuring REDD. Thanks to Global Forest Coalition for compiling this list of REDD-related side events.

Global Forest Coalition has co-organised the side event “REDD Traps and how to avoid them”, on 3 June at 19:30 in Metro. The side event is organised with Friends of the Earth International, in cooperation with the International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of the Tropical Forests.

The Ecosystems Climate Alliance, an alliance of eight environmental and social NGOs founded in December 2008, will hold a series of side events, listed here. ECA will also be twittering about events in Bonn: REDDScoop.

Here’s the full list of REDD-related side events in Bonn:


International REDD linkages: comparing US legislation and UNFCCC deliberations
Tropical Forest Group (TFG)
13:00-15:00, TRAM, 1 June 2009

Key UNFCCC REDD questions remain. Will REDD credits be fungible and if so when? Will there be a phased approach? Will REDD be a component of NAMAs? In the US, climate legislation also embraces international forest carbon. Experts from TFG & Duke University explore linkages, synergies and conflicts.

Biochar and carbon trading in soils: impacts on climate, biodiversity and people
The Corner House
18:00-19:30, SOLAR, 1 June 2009

Proposals have been made to include biochar and agricultural soils in general into the CDM. Discussion about likely impacts of large-scale biochar applications on climate, communities and biodiversity and the impacts of industrial ‘no-till’agriculture, with particular reference to soya.

A better way of dealing with degradation: accounting, monitoring and management.
International Institute of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC)
18:00-19:30, WIND, 1 June 2009

Community forest management as a strategy to reduce forest degradation resulting from increased pressure from local populations for subsistence purposes and local trading; with suggestions for defining, measuring, monitoring and tackling this type of degradation as an emission source.

Outlook for REDD, NAMAs and biofuel approaches to better integrate land-use and bioenergy goals.
Joanneum Research
18:00-19:30, METRO, 1 June 2009

Three policy options will be explored for their potential to better integrate land-use and bioenergy goals. GIS will be offered as a model for NAMAs. End-user responsibility, land-based accounting and how funds flow to individual entities under national-level approaches will be covered.

Agriculture and climate change: threats, promises and solutions
19:30-21:00, SOLAR, 1 June 2009

Agriculture and land-use change are major emission sources that must be addressed, yet many proposed solutions are highly controversial. Presentations will look at biochar, novel crops, animal production, and proposals to add soils to carbon trading, including perspectives from small farmers.

‘The Global Forest Footprint’: Commodities, Supply-Chains & Tropical Deforestation
Global Canopy Programme
19:30-21:00, TRAM, 1 June 2009

This event presents the Forest Footprint Disclosure Project; a new initiative (supported by the Global Canopy Programme, DfID, Carbon Disclosure Project, Prince’s Rainforest Project, UNEP FI, UN PRI, SEC and FFI NVI) that helps businesses address commodity-driven deforestation in their supply chains.


Adaptation - the role of biodiversity
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
13:00-15:00, METRO, 2 June 2009

Findings of the second meeting of the ad hoc technical expert group on biodiversity and climate change of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Towards an effective and equitable post-2012 regime

Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
13:00-15:00, WIND, 2 June 2009

The side event will present comprehensive proposals for all post-2012 building blocks: shared vision, Annex I targets, non-Annex I NAMAs, financing, technology, adaptation and REDD. The proposals are based on ongoing research by the Wuppertal Institute and will be discussed with external experts.

Discussion of LULUCF options faciliated by the Climate Action Network
Climate Action Network Canada
13:00-15:00, SOLAR, 2 June 2009

Our side event at Bonn was a big success with an exchange of views between Parties and observers. Come hear CAN’s views on the major LULUCF options and engage in an open discussion. Parties welcome.

Biodiversity and REDD
Greenpeace International (GPI)
18:00-19:30, RAIL, 2 June 2009

A global mechanism for REDD+
The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
19:30-21:00, RAIL. 2 June 2009

The Nature Conservancy will present an integrated approach to achieving needed emissions reductions from the forestry sector. Our proposal for a flexible, comprehensive, phased approach to REDD addresses questions related to financing, scope, scale, and reference emission levels.


Going beyond carbon: role of good governance,biodiversity conservation & demand-side management in REDD
Global Witness Limited
13:00-15:00, SOLAR, 3 June 2009

This side event examines the REDD policy priorities beyond the carbon stored in natural ecosystems: (1) good governance, supported by independent monitoring & verification, (2) biodiversity conservation and (3) public and private actions to manage forest product demand.

Ecosystem approaches to adaptation
IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature
18:00-19:30, RAIL, 3 June 2009

This event will elaborate on the concept of ecosystem-based adaptation to support implementation of adaptation at local and national level. Case studies and guidelines will be presented to illustrate how ecosystem approaches can be applied to adaptation in terms of both policy and practice.

REDD traps: can we avoid them?
Global Forest Coalition (GFC)
19:30-21:00, METRO, 3 June 2009

Is it possible to develop REDD policies that respect indigenous peoples’ rights, conserve and restore biodiversity, and do not undermine the climate regime? What lessons can we learn from successful and non-successful forest policies and projects in the past?


The REDD pilot project in Cameroon: methodological developments and technology transfer
KfW Bankengruppe (KfW)
18:00-19:30, RAIL, 4 June 2009

The side event presents experiences of the REDD Pilot Project in Cameroon. Technical progress has been made on assessment of deforestation rates and biomass accounting. Relevant institutional arrangements and south-south co-operation between Cameroon and Bolivia are key to facilitating the process.

GHG emission reduction for growing Belarus economy after 2012 with due account of LULUCF Sector
18:00-19:30, SOLAR, 4 June 2009

In fast growing economy, feasibility of post-Kyoto targets depends on incentives that facilitate GHG emission reduction within business-as-usual approach. Today Belarus builds necessary conditions to assist this process including activities to maintain GHG net removals in LULUCF on sufficient level.

Peatlands, MRV and policy options
Wetlands International
18:00-19:30, METRO, 4 June 2009

An event on the Measurability, Reportability and Verifiability (MRV) of emissions from peatlands to support negotiations on policy options for addressing these huge emissions in a post-Kyoto treaty. By Wetlands International and guest speakers tba.


Indigenous peoples’ local adaptation and mitigation measures
Tebtebba Foundation
13:00-15:00, WIND, 5 June 2009

Results of the indigenous peoples’ global research on local and adaptation measures will be shared. Issues and ways forward will be discussed as part of the indigenous peoples’ roadmap to Copenhagen.

Progress towards the fifth replenishment of the global environment facility
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
13:00-15:00, TRAM, 5 June 2009

GEF Secretariat, a financial mechanism of the UNFCCC, presents accomplishments on the current fourth replenishment from July 2006 to June 2010 and a progress report on negotiations for a fifth replenishment that covers from July 2010 to June 2014 to continue assistance to developing countries.

Agriculture, land and climate change
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO
13:00-15:00, METRO, 5 June 2009

How mitigation from agriculture might figure in NAMAs

Realizing rights in a REDD agreement: translating principles into practice
Rainforest Foundation UK (RFUK)
18:00-19:30, SOLAR, 5 June 2009

Rainforest Foundation & Accra Caucus on Forests & Climate Change discuss what a rights-based REDD deal should look like. What financing mechanisms would best uphold community rights? How can rights under int’l law be built into REDD? How can MRV track rights, governance & environmental integrity?

Gender mainstreaming and beyond national strategies to engender climate change policy
18:00-19:30, RAIL, 5 June 2009

Achieving true justice between women and men in relation to climate change involves fundamental cultural, structural and institutional change and the strengthening of individual capacities. Women from various world regions present their strategies for meeting challenges and overcoming obstacles.

The Role of Indigenous Peoples in REDD and Readiness
Conservation International (CI)
19:30-21:00, METRO, 5 June 2009

Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee Members, Sotz’il, Rights and Resources and CI provide perspectives on the role of indigenous peoples in REDD and Readiness to improve understanding of local impacts, increase participation, address training and rights issues and ensure benefits.


Interactive tools to build readiness and capacity on REDD
Rainforest Alliance (RA
13:00-15:00, METRO, 6 June 2009

Global leaders in forest carbon (CI, CCBA, GTZ, RA, TNC, & WWF) will present a new REDD introductory training program. It features an interactive online course, comprehensive participant manual, and step-by-step instructor’s manual with up-to-date information on REDD for a wide range of audiences.

Avoiding emissions from peatlands: progress with standard and methodology
BirdLife International (BL)
19:30-21:00, WIND, 6 June 2009

Degraded peatlands are areas for substantial new mitigation opportunities in tropical and temperate climates. The event discusses draft VCS AFOLU standard for such projects, addressing issues related to rewetting, fire, permanence, and baseline and monitoring methodology based on ‘Avoidance Model’


What will be the cost and benefits of a positive REDD policy?
18:00-19:30, METRO, 8 June 2009

RS is a valuable tool to determine changes in forest biomass. Spatial land use models are used to predict LUC, taking into account local drivers of deforestation. Information gained by these models can be used to assess costs and benefits of local REDD policies. Saint Lucia is used as a case study.

Sustainable forest management and climate change - approaches to mitigation and adaptation
18:00-19:30, RAIL, 8 June 2009

Policies and tools for sustainable forest management developed by the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE) will be presented and discussed related to LULUCF and REDD in the post-2012 climate regime Organisers: Government of Norway and MCPFE Liaison Unit Oslo


Removing roadblocks to eventual full inclusion of terrestrial carbon in the climate change solution
John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment
15:30-17:30, WIND, 9 June 2009

Terrestrial Carbon Group, FAO/UN-REDD, Suriname and Conservation International present new analysis and tools on critical issues in the negotiations, including scope and reference emission levels. TCG suggests how transition pathways can bridge perceived and real differences between parties.

Informing REDD policy design: results from collaborative modeling initiative on REDD policy options
The Woods Hole Research Center (WHRC)
15:30-17:30, TRAM, 9 June 2009

Experts from WHRC, EDF, CI, IIASA, and CSERGE will discuss research results including: comparing REDD proposals on incentive distribution, the implications of adopting a market vs. a fund approach, international equity in REDD, modeling REDD co-benefits, and related topics

New insights: indigenous lands, protected areas, and REDD

Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)
18:00-19:30, METRO, 9 June 2009

Presenters from a range of perspectives will present new analyses of the critical role that indigenous lands and protected areas (ILPAs) serve in Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD). Among the organizations represented will be UCS, WWF, EDF, TNC and CI.


REDD+: making it work in the real world
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
15:30-17:30, TRAM, 10 June 2009

The design and implementation of REDD+ at national level still has a lot questions to be answered, but research suggests there is ample opportunity for success. This event seeks to identify the key issues yet to be addressed and provide a platform to address them.

Fostering political preparedness for reducing deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
Amazon Institute for Environmental Research (IPAM)
19:30-21:00, RAIL, 10 June 2009

Broad stakeholder engagement and political preparedness are critical to the success of REDD. IPAM will present examples of participatory political processes, ranging from multi-stakeholder regional planning to harmonization of sub-national targets within the national deforestation reduction plan.


Principles and positions of COICA towards the REDD debate
Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA)
18:00-19:30, RAIL, 11 June 2009

Indigenous leaders from the Amazon basin will present their positions on the REDD discussion. Positions were developed over a series of meetings held by COICA over the last year. Inclusion of the indigenous people’s concerns and recognition of their rights are key to a successful REDD design.

Potential GHG impacts of future LULUCF activities in developed countries under the second commitment
United Kingdom
19:30-21:00, SOLAR, 11 June 2009

Potential GHG impacts of future LULUCF activities in developed countries under the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol

FRIDAY, 12 JUNE 2009

Reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation: results from climatic and economic modelling.

University of East Anglia (UEA)
13:00-15:00, SOLAR, 12 June 2009

We will present new results of climate modelling and the importance of REDD for mitigation targets, economic modelling and the effects of REDD policy options, agricultural drivers and their economic value for deforestation in Brazil, and the first global analysis of carbon and biodiversity.

Content written by REDD-Monitor on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons License

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