14 June 2009

Africa: Climate change leads to civil war

23 countries in Africa face risk of violent conflict as climate change worsen other security threats, new report suggests.

Morten Andersen, COP15 Copenhagen, 12/06/2009 17:15

According to an international review panel, 23 countries in Africa face “a high risk of violent conflict” when climate change comes on top of traditional security threats. A further 14 countries face “a high risk of political instability” according to the 2009 report from the Africa Progress Panel.

The report also notes that while Africa is set to suffer greatly from effects of climate change, only a fraction of international funds intended for climate change mitigation projects find their way to the continent. Of 1,400 projects supported by the UN-backed CDM scheme (Clean Development Mechanism) less than 30 were in Africa, news site allAfrica.com reports.

The panel does, however, see positive signs at inter-governmental level. First of all, the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment has held meetings to formulate a common African position on climate change in the run-up to the Copenhagen conference in December this year.

COPYRIGHT 2008-2009

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