01 March 2012

Report: China 2030

The report "China 2030" was researched and written jointly by the World Bank, China's Ministry of Finance, and China's Development Research Center of the State Council

Council on Foreign Relations | February 27, 2012

The foreward states, "In the next 15 to 20 years, China is wellpositioned to join the ranks of the world's high-income countries. China's policy makers are already focused on how to change the country's growth strategy to respond to the new challenges that will come, and avoid the "middle income trap." That is clearly reflected in both the 11th and 12th Five Year Plans, with their focus on quality of growth, structural reforms to harness innovation and economic efficiency, and social inclusion to overcome the rural-urban divide and the income equality gap.

The idea behind this study was developed in 2010, at the celebrations for the 30th anniversary of the China–World Bank partnership. To commemorate that milestone, President Zoellick proposed to Chinese leaders to work jointly on identifying and analyzing China's medium-term development challenges looking forward to 2030. Together, China and the World Bank would conduct research drawing on lessons from international experience as well as China's own successful development record, and prepare a strategic framework for reforms that could assist China's policy making as well as guide future China–World Bank relations. China's state leaders welcomed and supported the proposal.

This report, China 2030: Building a Modern, Harmonious, and Creative High-Income Society, represents the results of that work. The research was organized jointly by China's Ministry of Finance (MOF), the Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC), and the World Bank. The report was written and produced by a joint team from DRC and the World Bank who worked together as equal partners."

[Download the Report]

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